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Business Financing
Get matched in minutes with multiple loan offers.

Business Advertising
Create targeted ads to reach SMEs nationwide.

Business Networking
Network directly with SME decision-makers.

    Business Insights
    Get exclusive access to unique strategic insights.

    Earn Cubeler Points™ toward no-cost business tools.



      Your Retail Business, On the Rise.

      Take Your Construction SME to the Next Level.


        Your Manufacturing SME at Full Steam.

        Science & Technology
        Your Science & Technology SME, Scaled Up.

        Other Industries


          Cubeler Partners
          Turbocharge SME growth with Cubeler.

          Financial Institutions
          Enhance the SME financing experience with us.


          Maximize your reach, resources and rewards.

          Business Associations
          Level up the membership journey with us. 


          Your Retail Business, On The Rise.

          Unlock the full potential of your retail business with the Cubeler Business HubTM. The one place where SME owners and executives can find new clients and access financing, insights, and networking opportunities they need to take their businesses to new heights - all at no cost.

          Sign Up Now

          Cubeler Business HubTM

          Cubeler Business Hub Logo

          A Powerful Membership-Based Platform and Network - Fueling Ambitions of SMEs in the Retail Industry.

          The Cubeler Business Hub™ is a powerful membership-based platform and network where SMEs in retail can unlock their full potential.

          Our tools help small and medium enterprises unleash their growth potential by accelerating their search for financial products, providing access to unique strategic market insights, networking with other small and medium businesses, and creating highly targeted ads to promote their products and services.


          Our Partners in the Retail Sector

          These are some of the many partners in the retail sector who are supporting our growth and contributing to the collective power of Cubeler.


          Retail Council of Canada Conseil québécois du commerce de détail Retail Council of Canada

          Unlock the Potential of Your Business with Canada's Only Nationwide SME Ecosystem


          Cubeler Advantages for your Retail Business


          In today’s fast-changing retail sector, SMEs face a variety of challenges from the supply chain, employee recruitment, and inflation to market differentiation and digital transformation.

          Cubeler Business HubTM provides owners and executives from retail and other sectors with the tools to fuel their ambitions and overcome their obstacles to succeed.


          Sign Up Now

          Cubeler Retail Logo

          Accelerate Your Access To Capital

          Are you tired of waiting weeks for lenders to respond to your financial applications, only to receive an undesirable response that slows or stalls your progress?

          With Cubeler, you don’t have to go to the banks; they come to you. Except now, financial providers efficiently propose lucrative offers.

          Cubeler uses your data to match you with pre-qualified loans from leading lenders, streamlining the entire application process to give you more choices and faster access to the capital your retail business needs to grow.


          Level Up Your Retail Business Strategy

          As a retail business owner and decision-maker, you are responsible for doing what’s best for your business in an increasingly competitive landscape.

          Cubeler gives retail businesses access to the sector-specific reports unavailable elsewhere. This provides retail SMEs with the data to build a competitive edge, react to developments in the market, or respond to any opportunities that arise.


          Make Valuable Connections with Professionals in Retail

          Are you struggling to cut through the clutter on mainstream networking platforms to create new and valuable connections for your retail business?

          Whether you own a small specialty food shop or a regional chain of clothing stores, finding the right business partners is critical to the success of any retail SME.

          Cubeler is the network for SMEs by SMEs. Take advantage of a dedicated space where you can discuss shared challenges, explore unique opportunities, and even look for new partners or clients.


          Maximize Your Retail Marketing Budget

          Are you running up against a wall constantly trying to wring better performance out of mainstream marketing channels?

          Cubeler will be a powerful addition to your usual advertising channels, allowing you to promote your products and services directly to an audience of engaged SME owners and executives in your chosen sectors and regions.

          Save your retail marketing budget for other channels and use the Cubeler-Points™ you earn by participating on the platform to put your retail business on the radar of other growing companies.



          Your Business Deserves Better.

          Join Cubeler to Unlock Your Full Potential.

          Become a Cubeler member to unlock the full potential of your business with the collective power of Canada's only nationwide SME ecosystem.

          Join Now
